PhD in artificial intelligence

Contributing to the doubling of the number of PhD students trained in AI is one of the objectives of the research component of the national program for AI. In line with this objective, the ANR launched in 2019 a call for programs “Doctoral contracts in Artificial Intelligence – Establishment” . Two complementary and coordinated programs were submitted by the Lille site and obtained funding:

Program AI_PhD@Lille

University of Lille and Inria proposed in September 2019 the programme AI_PhD@Lille.

The general research vision of this program centers on human-friendly approaches to AI that address the question of acceptability. Acceptability requires providing explainable results with AI, which leads to a first key challenge: the system should be understandable for users and capable of explaining why a prediction or a decision is made. This means making AI understandable to all users and enabling individuals and communities to take advantage of the tools provided by AI to develop smarter behavior and more inclusive reasoning and action dynamics. This is an interdisciplinary challenge that a large university can meet as it exploits its multiple forces.

To reach this goal of acceptability, two complementary aspects are crucial:

i/ at the heart of AI, providing intelligible explanations for predictions and decisions;

ii/ in the interface between users and AI, transferring the AI approach to fields of application.

This program obtained 22 PhD grants.

If you need further information, do not hesitate to contact:

Program AI_Engineering_PhD@Lille from Centrale Lille

Artificial Intelligence spreads and disseminates very quickly in all fields, providing big changes and numerous new opportunities. In particular, AI impacts all research and application areas of engineering, and this effect will continue to increase in the near future.

For this reason, AI is a key element in the research strategy of all the actors in Lille area which cover several important fields such as smart transport, internet of energy and smart grids, smart construction and smart city, industry 4.0, smart agriculture, smart environments, medical engineering, etc. All these fields, which emerges from traditional engineering fields where dissemination, adaptations and development of AI concepts and approaches are needed.

In this context, the strategy of the actors gathered in the program AI_Engineering_PhD@Lille is to capitalize on their deep knowledge, experience and human ressources in the engineering traditional fields of their joint laboratories, for the dissemination, adaptation, and new development of AI concepts and approaches

This program obtained 8 PhD grants.

If you need further information, do not hesitate to contact:


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