PEARL is a doctoral programme held by the I-SITE ULNE. It is co-funded by the Marie curie COFUND actions within the framework of the European Commission’s H2020 programme. It funds the recruitment of 30 PhD students who will work on interdisciplinary research projects related to the scientific themes of I-SITE ULNE. These doctoral students must meet the mobility rules of the European Commission.
PEARL covers the PhD student’s gross salary (around € 1,700 net salary per month before income tax) as well as a grant to cover the mobility, family and research costs of PhD students. These students will be supervised by 2 researchers from different disciplines.
The programme will consist of two calls per year for 2 years. A first in September 2019 that will select up to 30 research projects, and then a call in February to recruit a minimum of 15 PhD students. (Results in June and beginning of the thesis in September 2020).
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