Strengthen links with businesses

Euratechnologies © Inria / Photo N. Fagot

Accelerate recognition, the transfer of research and collaboration with businesses

In order to promote the development and attractiveness of the regional territory and to better respond to societal challenges and the needs of businesses, I-SITE ULNE aims to strengthen and renew its partnerships with the socio-economic sector, in particular with businesses.

Along with the regional ecosystem of research and innovation, the I-SITE ULNE contributes to accelerating the full development of research projects and their economic valorization, to develop the creation of innovative companies, the transfer of technologies and collaborations between research laboratories and businesses.

Calls for projects are launched with the Region and/or the MEL in order to increase the number of partnership projects with companies (doctoral theses in cooperation with businesses, joint research-business laboratories, etc.).

The Plug in labs portal whas been created to render visible the competences and the equipment of recherche for the entreprises, notably the SMEs.

 See all “Valorisation” calls for projects


Contact: Marie-Claire BILBAULT