Support pedagogical and digital innovation

Lilliad pedagogical innovation room ®Atmosphere photo.

I-SITE ULNE supports the educational and digital transformation of its partners. In this respect, we have awarded a prize for excellence in educational innovation during our first year of operation, but also financed many innovative and structuring projects for the creation of the future University of Lille. Interdisciplinarity was favoured by allowing disciplines that were not used to collaborating to meet, but also by building bridges across the border with our privileged partner KU Leuven and more particularly its research centre ITEC.

One of the most visible examples of the actions carried out is the Lille Learning Lab and its link to the Chair TELS (Technology Enhanced Learning Spaces) for scientific support.

The TELS Chair also aims to federate and structure Lille’s research in pedagogical innovation and educational technologies in order to accompany and support pedagogical transformation. One of its first events is the organization of a first international conference on the theme “From learning analytics to classroom analytics”, to be held in Lille and Courtrai.

Finally, several joint PhD theses between I-SITE members and KU Leuven are underway or have been defended on the theme of pedagogical innovation. The desire of the University of Lille 2022 and KU Leuven to continue and intensify this scientific cooperation is clearly affirmed and is embodied in the hosting of Ms. Annelies Raes, a post-doctoral researcher at KU Leuven as a visiting professor on the TELS Chair.


 See all “Pedagogical innovation” calls for projects


Contact: Antoine BESNEHARD