DiSyKnow – Digital systems for Human Knowledge

This project is aiming the enhancement and the development of innovative numerical models in order to provide new information and results on material cultures and a new visual perceptive experience dealing with past and actual civilizations. Focusing on their human interpretations and uses, perceptual, cognitive and social aspects will benefit of a deeper understanding. To reach these targets, the consortium intends to : (1) develop a 3D model related to a major cultural patrimony of the Hauts-de-France region known as The Field of Cloth of Gold (1520) to reconstitute its architecture, textiles and light effect by instructing the TGIR Huma-Num data base; (2) to model the 3D environment visual perception to get a better understanding of the perceptual appearance phenomenon and in the same time to work on new self-powered neuro biomimetic systems dedicated to restore vision; (3) create dynamic  numerical predictive models which model the behavioral interactions with 3D digital content involving virtual agents.


Principal Investigators (PI): Virginie Hoel and Isabelle Paresys