This website is published by the University of Lille located 42 rue Paul Duez 59000 Lille, France
Phone : +33 (0) 3 62 26 90 81
Director of Publication: Mr. Régis Bordet, President of the University of Lille
Hosting of the website:
IT Resource Center
University of Lille – University area “Pont de Bois rue du Barreau – BP 60149 – 59653 Lille, France
Design / Realization:
• FAPAMA (Fabienne Paul)
• Communication Service of the Foundation I-SITE ULNE
• Communication Department of the University of Lille
• IT Services Department of the University of Lille
• Urbilog Society
Technology used: WordPress Content Management System
Webmaster: Elodie Legrand
This work was supported by the French state, managed by the National Agency for Research (ANR) under the Investments for the future program with the reference ANR-16-IDEX-0004 ULNE.