Our core competences (Labex, ERC…)

The ULNE I-SITE project is based on objectively defined scientific strengths and encompasses the PIA entities managed by the consortium, projects funded by the European Research Council (ERC), H2020-labelled projects coordinated by the consortium, the members of the Institut universitaire de France (IUF) and SIRIC OncoLille.


PIA entities managed by the consortium:

Laboratories of excellence:

  • LabEx CAPPA (Physical and chemical properties of the atmosphere)

Coordinator: Denis Petitprez

  • LabEx CEMPI (European centre for mathematics, physics and their interactions)


Scientfic coordinator:Emmanuel Fricain

  • LabEx DISTALZ (Alzheimer’s disease, innovation strategy, transdisciplinary approach)

Coordinator: Philippe Amouyel

  • LabEx EGID (European genomics institute for diabetes, world-class research, innovation centre)

Coordinator: Philippe Froguel

Facilities of excellence:

  • EquipEx Imaginex Biomed (Imaging platform for high resolution analysis and high-throughput screening)

Coordinator: Franck Lafont

Coordinateur : Philippe Froguel

  • EquipEx REALCAT (High-throughput catalyst screening platform for biorefineries)

Coordinateur : Sébastien Paul

  • EquipEx Excelsior (Experimental Center for the study of the properties of nanodevices)

Coordinator: Gilles Dambrine

Coordinator: Marc Douay

  • EquipEx IrDIVE (Research and Innovation Platform in Digital and Interactive Visual Environments)

Coordinator: Yann Coello

  • EquipEx LEAF (Laser procEssing plAtform for multiFunctional electronics on Flex)

Coordinator: Emmanuel Dubois

  • IDEFI ADICODE (Innovation through co-design and learning-based projects)
  • Precinash university hospital research project (Non-alcoholic Steatohepatitis: from disease stratification to innovative therapeutic approaches)

Coordinator: François Pattou

  • WillAssistHeart university hospital research project

Coordinator: Sophie Susen

ERC laureates within the consortium:

see the list


This Péridex is the basis of the I-SITE ULNE project, a project that aims to sustain and expand scientific excellence.