The OVERSEE project aims at developing and applying innovative multi-scale numerical modeling approaches to elucidate the fate of radioactive elements that could be released into the atmosphere in the case of accidents involving nuclear installations: whether during a serious accident in a plant such as Fukushima or Chernobyl, in spent fuel storage (pools), or in a fuel reprocessing plant where there may be fires in the reprocessing solvents.
This project proposes to couple different scales of nanoscopic simulations, ranging from the atomic scale (high precision quantum computations), to the nanoscopic scale by the modeling of aerosols and reactive sites in presences of charged ions (halides, radionuclides). The numerical simulation approaches developed by the OVERSEE project will be made available to the scientific community (open-source simulation codes). They will be adapted to the simulation of the most realistic systems possible, offering direct synergies with the experiments carried out by the collaborations within the Lille site (PhLAM, PC2A, UCCS, and other member laboratories of the Labex CaPPA and CPER CLIMIBIO programs) and those with other French and European partners, such as IRSN.
Principal Investigator (PI): Valérie VALLET