RECABIO – Catalytic resources and the bio-economy

The ‘RECABIO’ project is based on the development of innovative approaches in the field of the bioeconomy, and more specifically the circular economy. It aims at the use of advanced catalytic materials and processes to transform renewable resources and wastes and obtain biosourced energy molecules, materials and vectors. It implements original scientific approaches (in particular hybrid catalysis, photo- and electro-catalysis and their combinations) thanks to (i) the thorough integration of a set of advanced skills of the Lille site, ( ii) the use of unique equipment already present on our (Equipex REALCAT, etc.), and (iii) the reception of two Brazilian professors. The socio-economic and environmental rationalization of the processes thus developed must also be evaluated thanks to a close collaboration between so-called “hard” sciences and the Humanities and Social Sciences (LCA, economy, etc.). Also in this context, the hosting of two professors will support these themes, particularly on interconnected components. This convergence will allow new breakthrough discoveries and will lead to an evolution of the bioeconomy concept from a simple juxtaposition of disciplines (a necessary and largely advanced step) to a genuine integration of scientific and technical disciplines. To do this, the present project is based on an interdisciplinary research effort in “hard” sciences aimed at removing the scientific and societal barriers of the bioeconomy, and to question the consequences of ecological change and its ethical, socio-political and social aspects. The ultimate ambition is to create new disciplines, fruit of these interfaces, and this, in the perspective of a global R & D approach, where the production systems will be implanted in their social, political and environmental context.


Principal Investigateur (PI) : Robert Wojcieszak